Free Instruction for Coaches, Parents, Boys and Girls:

Having played in more than 30 National and World Tournaments for Portland, and Seattle teams, I would like to pass on a unique interpretation of the game based on my experience (as a catcher, pitcher, infielder, and outfielder) playing with over 25 Fastpitch All Americans and more than 5 National Hall of Fame Members.

Free Instruction for Boundary County Parents and Children

TeamsWin Fastpitch for Bonners Ferry

TeamsWin Fastpitch and Baseball:

I would like to give Boundary County coaches, parents, boys and girls the type of free instruction I received from John Wheeling, Hod Sanborn, Jimmy Richardson, Bill Neiland, and other Bonners Ferry men  from 1956 to 1970. Because of their help I have been able to continue to learn from other great players. The result is a uniqui program for hitting, pitching, throwing, fielding and running that I would like to pass on to Boundary County parents and children both boys and girls for both fastpitch and baseball.

Bob Pace

7087 Funkhouser ST

Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805

For Information Please Contact: Bob Pace,

Phone: 208-295-7094

Cell: 208-304-4458



TeamsWin Fastpitch

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Boundary County Fastpitch