Faith Measurement Blog Faith Folder
The purpose of this document is to list the Faith Measurement documents. Included in the list are the introductory purpose paragraph, a link to the document on line and the copyright date. The first list will be by date newest first. The second list is alphabetical. See new TeamsWin Downloads for latest Blog.
Examples from Previous Years
Sorted By Date—Descending
48 Copyrighted 12/14/10 by Robert D. Pace
Meaning of the Stars
Copyrighted 12/14/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to describe the historical meaning of the stars. Because knowledge was his gift, Adam did not learn from God. He was created complete with knowledge. Believing this about Adam, we assume that the meaning of the stars came from God through Adam at the instant of his creation. The heavens declare the glory of God. This document describes some fundamental relationships between the things we see in the sky and their meaning. From history we know that people from earliest known civilization attributed meaning to the relationships between heavenly entities like: stars, constellations, sun, moon and planets. I am no astronomer or astrologer, but I was a celestial navigator so I know enough about the subject to not be afraid of it.
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47 Copyrighted 12/01/10 by Robert D. Pace
In the Name of Jesus
Copyrighted 12/01/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to describe the court rules of using the name of Jesus the Son when speaking directly to the Father. Common courtesy tells us how to pray.
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46 Copyrighted 11/21/10 by Robert D. Pace
Church Government
Copyrighted 11/21/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to use Business Science to define Church Government. I will be using Business Science to build a Business Model of the different types of Church Government. At the same time using the Business Science in yesterday’s Church Authority document, I will describe how these models recognize Church Authority.
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45 Copyrighted 11/20/10 by Robert D. Pace
Church Authority
Copyrighted 11/20/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to use Business Science to define Church Authority. I will be using Business Science to build a Business Model of the different types of church authority and responsibility.
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44 Copyrighted 10/25/10 by Robert D. Pace
Whenever We Want
Copyrighted 10/25/10 by Robert D. Pace
In Chapter 64 Julian describes “Thou shalt come up above” meaning whenever we want we can rise above our life of pain in the flesh, and put our soul in the Spirit. This chapter builds on Chapter 43 of “Sixteen Revelations of Devine Love” by Julian of Norwich. Chapter 43 shows us how to unite our soul with God. In business terms, it says: whenever we do our strategic planning with God, we get to rise above our life of pain in the flesh to put our soul in his life in the Spirit, lifting us above this life of pain from sin.
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43 Copyrighted 10/20/10 by Robert D. Pace
Unforced, Enjoyable, and Effective Prayer
Copyrighted 10/20/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to describe prayer. Instead of describing prayer as a function (a process, or series of procedural steps, or as an activity), it describes prayer as an understanding. An understanding is a relational view. Functions get things done and relationships provide understanding by defining objects and objectives in context. Most of this document comes from Chapter 42 of the Christian Classic Revelations of Devine Love by Julian of Norwich (written in the second half of the fourteenth century). “So we will have understanding of the fullness of joy that is to come with accordant longing and sure trust”, Julian describes prayer relationally. She says: “prayer is a right understanding”.
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42 Copyrighted 10/11/10 by Robert D. Pace
Begging, Belief and Thanks
Copyrighted 10/11/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to show how Faith Measurement is required for each step of our strategic communication with God. In so doing, it defines those very important steps.
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40 Copyrighted 09/14/10 by Robert D. Pace
Witnessing with a Business Model
Copyrighted 09/14/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to show how to witness the Gospel using business terminology. In other words, the general business model with its integrated approach to defining things will be very effective in clarifying the way truth is communicated in the Bible.
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39 Copyrighted 09/04/10 by Robert D. Pace
Existentialism and Heart Change
Copyrighted 09/04/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to use business modeling to put existentialism in its place. God has chosen the most effective and efficient way to motivate us: heart change. This document will use business modeling to put Kierkegaard’s Existentialism and Hegel’s Great Ideas Program in their useful places. Without the business model, they seem to be opposite and conflicting views. For example: Existentialism has been used by atheists to discredit Christianity. But the business model shows how we measure faith: present, past and future. Heart Change for motivation is future, Existentialism is present and the Great Ideas development is Past. Therefore, Hegel and Kierkegaard are not opposites, but integral with change of heart motivation.
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38 Copyrighted 08/30/10 by Robert D. Pace
Seven Mysteries and Heart Change
Copyrighted 08/30/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to show where heart changes fit into the Seven Mysteries of the Church. In other words, here I want to show where my discussions of heart change fits into the traditional language of the Church. So, I want to show where heart change communication with God fits into the traditional prayer book language of the Church.
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37 Copyrighted 08/27/10 by Robert D. Pace
To everyone but the Called -
the Cross is Foolishness
Copyrighted 08/27/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to use business modeling concepts to explain why to everyone but the called, the Cross is foolishness. In today’s lesson from the first chapter of 1st Corinthians, Paul talks about the Cross and the Called. It talks about the Cross of Christ being foolishness to everyone but the Called. It also represents the Gospel as the Cross. Therefore, it is saying the Gospel is foolishness to everyone but the Called. The called have personally heard from God. In other words, they have had their heart changed by God. This chapter is also saying: until we begin living our personal calling or heart change, our salvation has not begun, and after it is begun it continues. I believe restating these strong statements in business terms will help get us to that first step. Simply substituting the word business for the word cross is the first step.
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36 Copyrighted 08/21/10 by Robert D. Pace
God’s Word to You – How to Write it Down
Copyrighted 08/21/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to suggest (at this point in time 2010) the easiest and most productive way to record a personal Word, Vision or Calling from God. The reason you want to write it down is to collect history (His Story, the story of God’s Word).
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35 Copyrighted 08/21/10 by Robert D. Pace
Mountain of God or City of God
Copyrighted 08/21/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to use business modeling concepts to contrast the mountain of God with the City of God. We already know from the Bible that one represents the supernatural life in the Spirit and one represents the natural life in the Flesh. Because you can not have one without the other, understanding what those two mountains represent is an important step in understanding the Bible.
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34 Copyrighted 08/20/10 by Robert D. Pace
Profitability: Measuring Cause, Effect and Change
Copyrighted 08/20/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to explain profitability in terms of both faith and power measurement. Because it takes time to see cause and effect, God tells us to write down what he has told us to do. Profitability is the ability to profit over the long term. This document explains profitability measurement. Financial chart of accounts measure financial cause, effect and change: financial profitability. Faith and power measurement uses an expanded chart of accounts. Charts of Account define line items on reports, and an expanded chart of accounts defines the line items on all the owner’s reports, and how he integrates that information. Using financial reporting techniques, this document will show an expanded view of profitability. In other words, if God tells you to do something, you have to write it down and step out to do it for your faith to profit.
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33 Copyrighted 08/16/10 by Robert D. Pace
What Do We Know?
Copyrighted 08/16/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to unify the Church. It is a restatement of an old idea. As I daily read about the saints in the Church Calendar, I am reminded that the conflicts of understanding mostly concern the Law and the Future. Living within the Law, the saints however seemed to be focused on the present and the past. This document is about prophecy and how it is used to unify the Church. What do we know? We know the Law and the Prophets. When do we know it? We know it after the prophecy becomes history or “his story”.
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32 Copyrighted 08/02/10 by Robert D. Pace
Copyrighted 08/02/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to explain guilt. Everybody experiences guilt, and many people blame that experience on the influence of culture. It is true that Jewish and Christian culture is everywhere, but it is also true that guilt preceded them wherever they went. People also blame guilt on the Law of God, but changing the law does not seem to remove guilt. The purpose of this document is to explain guilt as a common internal problem, and why guilt has nothing to do with the external laws that define it. Laws help us understand guilt, but they do nothing to solve internal conflict.
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31 Copyrighted 07/29/10 by Robert D. Pace
The Law, the Prophets and the Mystery
Copyrighted 07/29/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to present the Gospel in the terms of the TeamsWin General Business Model: Character, Confidence and Motivation.
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30 Copyrighted 07/21/10 by Robert D. Pace
Holy Spirit Baptism Scriptures:
The Purpose of Praying in the Spirit
Copyrighted 07/21/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to list some Holy Spirit Baptism scriptures to help people understand the purpose of praying in the spirit.
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29 Copyrighted 05/28/10 by Robert D. Pace
Calvin’s Institutes Business Model
Copyrighted 05/28/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to “business model” the subject and arrangement of John Calvin’s “Institutes of the Christian Religion”. John Calvin’s day in the Church Calendar is May 28th this year 2010. Here are the links to his calendar day and his “Institutes” in the Christian Classics library . John Calvin’s “Institutes” present a very basic Christian understanding of scripture and/or detail to the Apostle’s Creed (another basic Christian understanding). I think expressing this understanding in business terms will improve that understanding. Business terms (like profit) are used in scripture because the idea of an arm’s length transaction (something for something) fits well the idea of free will and why we choose to serve God.
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28 Copyrighted 05/08/10 by Robert D. Pace
Sixteen Revelations Business Model
Copyrighted 05/08/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to Business Model the Christian Classic Revelations of Devine Love by Julian of Norwich (in the second half of the fourteenth century). Love is God’s business and as business models define businesses, this business model will use business terminology and Julian’s revelations to define God’ Love. Julian’s calendar day is in the fifth week of Easter of the Church Calendar (this year the second week of May). Business models provide understanding. As I read her Sixteen Revelations, I thought they were great understanding, and that they may be better understood if they were also presented as a business model. In both ways, they will model the “Big Picture”. The business model will be a restatement of her revelation in business terms, and the actual revelations will provide Old English detail to the “Big Picture” understanding. Together, they will provide understanding for us just as the revelations did for Julian.
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27 Copyrighted 04/26/10 by Robert D. Pace
Strategic Objects of Life in the Spirit
Copyrighted 04/26/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to look at Life in the Spirit strategically. Strategic thinking is like making war on a map. It examines the relationships between things. It defines the problem. It defines things so one can imagine various solutions and interactions. This document looks at the things of Life in the Spirit and their relationships.
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26 Copyrighted 04/21/10 by Robert D. Pace
Clocks in Nature and “The Natural Clock”
Copyrighted 04/21/10 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to list a few natural clocks besides radioactive dating, and focus on the natural clock that is the basis for our present system of time keeping.
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25 Copyrighted 02/03/10 by Robert D. Pace
Bible Strategy Introduction
Copyrighted 02/03/10 by Robert D. Pace
Strategy has been described as making war on a map. This Bible Strategy will both help people enjoy reading the Bible and introduce many to strategic thinking. TeamsWin products and services are tools for strategic thinking. To build this Bible Model, I used our business and data modeling techniques; and, I built this Bible Model for the same reason we build business models, for understanding.
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24 Copyrighted 01/16/10 by Robert D. Pace
The Bible Model: Three Biblical Business Rules
Copyrighted 01/16/10 by Robert D. Pace
My overall purpose with this document is to explain Business Modeling using Bible Modeling as an example. But, sometimes I find that it works both ways. Here I am going to explain His Law, His Prophets, and The Word in relation to God’s purpose using Business Modeling.
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23 Copyrighted 01/16/10 by Robert D. Pace
The Bible Model: His Law, His Prophets, and The Word
Copyrighted 01/16/10 by Robert D. Pace
My overall purpose with this document is to explain Business Modeling using Bible Modeling as an example. But, sometimes I find that it works both ways. Here I am going to explain His Law, His Prophets, and The Word in relation to God’s purpose using Business Modeling.
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22 Copyrighted 01/09/10 by Robert D. Pace
Faith Measurement – They Should Get Married
Copyrighted 01/09/10 by Robert D. Pace
My overall purpose with this document is to explain Business Modeling using Bible Modeling as an example. But, sometimes I find that it works both ways. Here I am going to explain God’s Law and Marriage in relation to God’s purpose using Business Modeling.
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21 Copyrighted 01/02/10 by Robert D. Pace
Faith Measurement – Epiphany - for Understanding
Copyrighted 01/02/10 by Robert D. Pace
Using our Bible Strategy Model for an example, the purpose of this document is to show the special way we at TeamsWin organize facts. Sergeant Friday said: “Just the facts, mam”. Everything we do is based on facts. Those facts come from various internal and external business functions, and we organize them strategically. In other words, we organize those facts into the Character, Confidence and Environment of the entity we are modeling. They are historical facts. In the same way, the Bible uses historical facts by time period to demonstrate God’s power. This week in the Church calendar (a church business model) we celebrate Epiphany. Epiphany is where the world “had an epiphany” at the time Jesus was born. Their epiphany was caused by a star that shone over the little town of Bethlehem. It was actually better than a star. Brighter than a star, it was a special alignment of planets, both predictable, and provable. For example: they knew it was coming over two thousand years before; and (assuming those same stable orbits) over two thousand years later we can prove mathematically that it happened on that night right over Bethlehem.
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20 Copyrighted 01/02/10 by Robert D. Pace
Faith Measurement – The Zodiac - for Understanding
Copyrighted 01/02/10 by Robert D. Pace
Using our Bible Strategy Model for an example, the purpose of this document is to show the special way we at TeamsWin organize facts. Sergeant Friday said: “Just the facts, mam”. Everything we do is based on facts. Those facts come from various internal and external business functions, and we organize them strategically. In other words, we organize those facts into the Character, Confidence and Environment of the entity we are modeling. They are historical facts. In the same way, the Bible uses historical facts by time period to demonstrate God’s power. This week in the Church calendar (a church business model) we celebrate Epiphany. Epiphany is where the world “had an epiphany” at the time Jesus was born. Their epiphany was caused by a star that shone over the little town of Bethlehem. It was actually better than a star. Brighter than a star, it was a special alignment of planets, both predictable, and provable. For example: they knew it was coming over two thousand years before; and (assuming those same stable orbits) over two thousand years later we can prove mathematically that it happened on that night right over Bethlehem.
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19 Copyrighted 12/06/09 by Robert D. Pace
The Key to Understanding the Bible
Copyrighted 12/06/09 by Robert D. Pace
Today people believe in global warming, have same sex relationships, and live together without getting married. Plus, they refuse to spank their children. The purpose of this document is to relate these four facts to the key to understanding the Bible.
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18 Copyrighted 12/06/09 by Robert D. Pace
The Lamp of Love
Copyrighted 12/06/09 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to define the need for teamwork and power measurement. The Spirit is a lamp to our heart. The Holy Spirit illuminates our heart. He shows us what we love. As we pray in the Spirit, we build up the power of that lamp. As we pray in the Spirit, we can see what is on our heart. As we pray in the Spirit, we can see what we love. God is love. He communicates through the heart. He communicates through love. He refines our heart. He improves our love. God is love.
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17 Copyrighted 12/06/09 by Robert D. Pace
Wisdom - The Beginning of Team Wisdom
Copyrighted 12/06/09 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to describe team wisdom. The fear of God is the beginning of all Wisdom. God created everything. Through authority, he spoke it into existence. God controls all authority. God creates everything. Even today through callings and teams, God speaks and creates everything. All things work together for good to those who love God. Yes, God controls the hearts of rebellious people in authority. Submission is respect of God’s control over authority. God blesses submission. Rebellion is disrespect of God’s control over authority. God curses rebellion.
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16 Copyrighted 10/24/09 by Robert D. Pace
Fear of God – Wisdom, Creation, Authority and Rebellion
Copyrighted 10/24/09 by Robert D. Pace
Purpose: Today people believe in global warming, have same sex relationships, and live together without getting married. The purpose of this document is to relate these three facts to the Bible.
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15 Copyrighted 10/15/09 by Robert D. Pace
The Law and Faith: Modeling the Nature of God
Copyrighted 10/15/09 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to relate the law to faith, in other words law and faith modeling. As Christians we live by faith, and our lives disclose the nature of God. The law also discloses the nature of God. In other words, if I were to build a business model of God from what I see in the Bible, I would use the Law to get rules for that model. If I were to expand my model beyond the Bible, I would use the lives of Christians, the Church. Since the Bible prophecy goes beyond the Biblical Times, we use the lives of Christians and the Church in our business model of God to this time. The faith of our fathers has disclosed the nature of God. He is building a perfect Church, and he is right on schedule. Knowing his other projects and their success, look at his story and see his nature.
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14 Copyrighted 06/06/09 by Robert D. Pace
Business and Marriage Communication
Copyrighted 06/06/09 by Robert D. Pace
Indirectly through relationships, the Bible outlines communication. To facilitate communication, Biblical relationships have a common element. Through that element, God is involved in all our relationships, all our communication, for better or for worse
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13 Copyrighted 05/28/09 by Robert D. Pace
The Beginning of Wisdom
Copyrighted 05/28/09 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to describe the fear of God and its relationship to teamwork. The fear of God is the first step to wisdom (which leads to salvation). That step is missing in modern thinking, which tries to leap into faith without the fear of God. There is one God (who has one purpose for us) and one way for us. That way starts with our subject, the fear of God. Do not be stupid. Do not go your own way. The converse of wisdom is foolishness. In the word of God, it is very clear that everything that does not start with the fear of God is stupidity. Yes, the word of God calls people stupid. Do not go your own way.
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12 Copyrighted 05/03/09 by Robert D. Pace
Bible Business Models
Copyrighted 05/03/09 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to use the Bible to explain what I mean by business models. For example: Jesus has at least two business models. One is finished (The Blood Sacrifice for our Sins) and the other (The Body) he continues to this day. We also say he was involved in the business of creation, and we say he periodically shows up in the business of God’s People (Israel or The Jews). Wisdom is described as beginning with the fear of God, and the fear of God is described as the recognition of two of God’s business models: Creation (after which God rested), and Authority (by which God continues control everything). Business Models are discovered by recognizing the way existing documents organize types of names. Known by everyone, the Bible is a common example of business modeling.
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11 Copyrighted 10/24/08 by Robert D. Pace
Every Word a Word of God
Copyrighted 10/24/08 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to describe a vision of mine where every word is a word of God. In my vision, faith measurement enables people to live by faith where every word spoken would be faith measurement and a word of God. I can imagine everyday language (including humor, encouragement, business, and prayer (including praise and worship)) all being a word of God. I can see the way for everyone to be participating in this way.
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10 Copyrighted 10/24/08 by Robert D. Pace
TeamsWin PowerMe – What Success Is
Copyrighted 10/24/08 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to repeat what success is generally and show how TeamsWin PowerMe is the best tool to define it specifically.
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09 Copyrighted 08/16/08 by Robert D. Pace
Copyrighted 08/16/08 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to describe how faith measurement can help young men find their calling. It will describe an easy and inexpensive way for anyone to examine their heart, producing a business model of that examination. It will also address the beginning of faith measurement, how God translates a young man’s subjective desires into an objective destiny.
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08 Copyrighted 07/21/08 by Robert D. Pace
Faith Measurement – The Episcopal Church
Copyrighted 07/21/08 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to present my understanding of the Episcopal Church. It will cover a little of the confidence, character and vision of the Episcopal Church. Because we find each of these present, past and future viewpoints in Hebrews 11, a good name for this kind of understanding is Faith Measurement.
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07 Copyrighted 02/10/08 by Robert D. Pace
TeamsWin PowerMe – What Success Is
Copyrighted 02/10/08 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to repeat what success is generally and show how TeamsWin PowerMe is the best tool to define it specifically. Like the Bible, we will begin by saying what success is and then spend the rest of the document defining it. Success is getting your offering accepted. It is as simple as that, nothing more and nothing less. And, it’s the meaning of life, knowing your acceptance. God wants us to be successful. He wants us to be excellent. He wants us to be graceful. He doesn’t want us to do anything else. He doesn’t accept anything else. So we can know our offering is accepted, God wants to communicate with us. He wants to help us plan, help us do, and help us record so we will know our offering has been accepted. He wants to participate in our success. He wants to oil or anoint that offering. Everything he touches is excellent. He wants to accept our excellent offering. For one purpose, before time began he designed each of us. For that purpose, he designed our hearts to produce that offering. Then he died on the Cross so the Holy Spirit can shine and refine and reveal his design. He is that examination light on our hearts.
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06 Copyrighted 02/10/08 by Robert D. Pace
TeamsWin – Faith Measurement
Copyrighted 02/10/08 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to define faith measurement and present the mission statement of TeamsWin – Faith Measurement. Faith measurement is a business model of faith. It models what God has told a person to be. At the same time it also models what that person wants to be. So, faith measurement models our heart’s desire which gets refined into our personal Word from God, and our heart’s desire.
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05 Copyrighted 02/10/08 by Robert D. Pace
TeamsWin Business Objects
Copyrighted 02/10/08 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to describe our TeamsWin Business Models in terms of TeamsWin Business Objects. Our TeamsWin Business Models are in an Enterprise relational database which using our Team relational database can be transformed into an Object Oriented Program, or TeamsWin Business Objects. This document will weave the subject of your business objects into our discussion of TeamsWin Products and Services.
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04 Copyrighted 04/19/06 by Robert D. Pace
Faith Measurement with Tools
Copyrighted 04/19/06 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to describe faith measurement and some tools we at TeamsWin have created to help people live by faith. As a Christian, we are to “live by faith”. But it is our experience that not many Christians have a clear understanding of what that means. One problem, a heresy in the Church called “Modern Thinking” results in the idea of a “Leap of Faith”. Modern thinkers are in every church, and they have confused the definition of faith. They are the “Many Ways to God” people. Actually, they are the “God is dead” people, but realize we do not function without believing in something. Rejecting the first part of Genesis, those “Leap of Faith” people say they are Christians, but there are no categories of what they mean by the term Christian. They use words, but do not define them. Faith Measurement shows that the Bible defines faith in categories of measurement (objectively measurable objects), with no leap required.
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03 Copyrighted 04/19/06 by Robert D. Pace
Hebrews 11: Faith Heroes
Copyrighted 04/19/06 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to link my purpose (Power Measurement) to the faith measurement in the Bible, specifically Hebrews chapter 11 (The Bible’s Hall of Fame better known as its Hall of Faith).
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02 Copyrighted 04/19/06 by Robert D. Pace
Power Measurement – The Meaning of Life:
Life and Teamwork
Copyrighted 04/19/06 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to define power measurement as the source of meaning for life. Without power measurement, life is meaningless. To know that meaning, we must communicate with God using power measurement. We will explain those statements. At TeamsWin, Power Measurement (business or personal) is our purpose. Think of it as the meaning of your life.
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01 Copyrighted 04/19/06 by Robert D. Pace
The Law
Copyrighted 04/19/06 by Robert D. Pace
The purpose of this document is to document New and Old Testament Legal Scripture. Since we are supposed to love the Law, and I use this document to love the Law.
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