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Episcopal Church Measrmnt |
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UnityThe main purpose of the Episcopal Church (from its beginning according to its founders who were more than half of the founders of the United States) is to unify the Church. For example: the idea of high and low church is an expression of this idea of unity, protestant and catholic unity. Here is how they improved the Anglican call to unity. OrderThe idea of the Episcopal founders was just enough order for each individual to be able to participate in common (corporate) worship. Team work requires some order. Knowing the order, we can actively participate in the church service. In other words, knowing the strategy of the service for that day, the: who, what, where, why and when of that days service. Knowing the strategy, each person can even have a speaking part in the worship. Concerning speaking, the language would always be the local language; but, knowing the service, visitors from any part of the world can sing along in their own language. Or, they may prefer to speak along, because knowing the strategic order also allows the service to be either sung or spoken. FreedomYes, the same people who believed in separation of Church and State also believed the constitution of the Episcopal Church (in many ways a copy of the US Constitution) defined the freedom required for people around the world to worship God in unity. But, this community (team work), requires order. Scripture teaches that even freedom in the spirit is based on order. Limited GovernmentYes, the same people who believed every person was created equal with something to give, also believed to be that equal person, every person had to be free from government. Order is required, but it had to be limited. Therefore, they protected at the same time that freedom from government for both state and church. If anything, Church and State were separated to protect the individual in the Church from the State. Current Episcopal Government and WisdomAnyone who fears God, knows and loves his Law, and knows the current leadership of the Episcopal Church must wonder how this organization can be the answer for the Church. The answer is Wisdom. Here is a link to another document like this with an expanded section on Wisdom, showing how Wisdom will create the perfect Church. The Book of Common Prayer and HistoryEverything we need (or links to everything we need) to live in Wisdom is found in the Book of Common Prayer. That one book links us to the whole Bible and the most practical way to understand the Bible. The most practical way is through regular common prayer which includes: salvation, baptism, communion, praise, worship, thanksgiving and daily Bible reading. That one book links us to the vision given to us by our founders and the history of believers before them. Most of the prayers are scriptural with references attached. They come from East and West and from the Jewish tradition before Christ. A few are statements of the Church like creeds that summarize Church understanding, and through that understanding one will see the history of the Church in understanding the Bible. History is important. All our confidence and understanding comes from history. It is “His Story”. Here is a link to an outline of the Book of Common Prayer that links to The Book of Common Prayer. Summary: Episcopal Church OrientationThe purpose of this document is to present my understanding of the Episcopal Church. It will cover a little of the confidence, character and vision or motivation of the Episcopal Church. Hopefully, it will help people understand why we do things the way we do. Our services are designed for maximum participation in fresh scriptural corporate worship. However, this flexibility and participation requires orientation to the Book of Common Prayer, where scripture is ordered for common worship. Hopefully, with an orientation to this strategy and its Book of Common Prayer you will be encouraged to experience the Body of Christ in our services.
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Contact: Bob Pace, Chairman of TeamsWin |
Bob Pace 7087 Funkhouser ST Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805 (In Boundary County North Idaho) |
Faith Measurement – The Episcopal ChurchThe purpose of this document is to present my understanding of the Episcopal Church. It will cover a little of the confidence, character and vision or motivation of the Episcopal Church. Hopefully, it will help people understand why we do things the way we do. Our services are designed for maximum participation in fresh scriptural corporate worship. However, this flexibility and participation requires orientation to the Book of Common Prayer, where scripture is ordered for common worship. Hopefully, with an orientation to this strategy and its Book of Common Prayer you will be encouraged to experience the Body of Christ in our services. |