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Skiing Simplified – Ski Racing

The purpose of this document is to record my personal and I believe simplified view of skiing. Because it is more serious than just skiing, I also call it ski racing. Because it helps me be more efficient in my skiing, I would like to share it with my friends.

Be able to slow down

One of my first coaches (Gary Batistella) was for ten years generally known as Canada’s best down-hill racer.  He taught me: “Before you can go fast you must be able to slow down.”  I believe the more efficiently one can slow down, the more control, and the faster one can go. Brakes are important on a racecar. The brakes on a ski are the edges. Friction caused by the edges against the snow will slow the skier the same way brakes slow a car. Also, since slowing down is the opposite of speeding up or maintaining speed, what one learns about slowing down can be applied to going fast.

Contact: Bob Pace, Chairman of TeamsWin

Bob Pace

7087 Funkhouser ST

Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805

(In Boundary County North Idaho)

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Phone: (208)304-4458 Cell

Phone: (208)295-7094 Home


Ski Racing

Ski Racing Strategy Blog

The purpose of this document is to list the Fastpitch Strategy documents. Included in the list are the introductory purpose paragraph, a link to the document on line and the copyright date. The first list will be by date newest first. The second list is alphabetical.

1 Multimedia Dictionary Intro

Copyrighted 05/10/10 by Robert D. Pace

The purpose of this document is to use my business model of ski racing to introduce people to the idea of a multimedia dictionary. A business model produces a dictionary that defines the words of a specific business. Definitions relate words. Definitions define words by showing them in context with other words. A business model produces a special kind of dictionary that not only defines the words, but can display all the views of those relationships. Another word for relationship is rule. Those relationships therefore define the rules of the business, or all the roles the words play in the business.

2 FIS Checklists

Copyrighted 05/10/10 by Robert D. Pace

The purpose of these worksheets is to arrange the FIS Rules and Dictionary into a series of Checklists for each of the FIS Ski Race Production Roles. In their current form these checklists are the rules for each of the FIS roles. They are queries to an FIS Rules Access database from Excel spreadsheets, so they could be filtered down to a very short check list.

3 FIS Rules

Copyrighted 05/10/10 by Robert D. Pace

The purpose of these worksheets is to complete the FIS Rules by including their rule cross referencing and by creating a worksheet for each rule. They are queries to an FIS Rules Access database, from Excel spreadsheets filtered by each rule name.

4 FIS Dictionary

Copyrighted 05/10/10 by Robert D. Pace

The purpose of the FIS Dictionary is to add a multimedia capability to the FIS Rules so people can use internet links to see examples of the objects that the rules define. They are a copy of the rules including the rules cross referenced. For the multimedia capability, improved filtering, and cross referencing; they are broken down into sentences and phrases of sentences. The cross referencing and filtering is how we produce the individual rules worksheets and checklists. In conjunction with GIS mapping, local area rules and race history; this multimedia dictionary can completely describe race planning and history. Working like a quals database, an individual workers resume can be quickly produced. Or, race organizers can quickly search that history when building a new team of race workers, listing workers by the various roles or positions being filled, including their contact information.

5 Braking Strategy: Skiing Simplified – Ski Racing: Be able to slow down

Copyrighted 12/27/08 by Robert D. Pace

The purpose of this document is to record my personal and I believe simplified view of skiing. Because it is more serious than just skiing, I also call it ski racing. Because it helps me be more efficient in my skiing, I would like to share it with my friends. One of my first coaches (Gary Batistella) was for ten years generally known as Canada’s best down-hill racer.  He taught me: “Before you can go fast you must be able to slow down.”  I believe the more efficiently one can slow down, the more control, and the faster one can go. Brakes are important on a racecar. The brakes on a ski are the edges. Friction caused by the edges against the snow will slow the skier the same way brakes slow a car.

6 Fast Turn Strategy: Skiing Simplified – Ski Racing – Fast Turns

Copyrighted 12/27/08 by Robert D. Pace

The purpose of this document is to describe fast turns by contrasting them with the best ways to slow down. I believe knowing how to slow down efficiently and effectively will also teach you how to make fast turns. Avoid gravity when slowing down, and use gravity when making fast turns. More specifically, at the apex or top of the turn avoid gravity when slowing down and use gravity when making fast turns.


For more Skiing Simplified documents see my Ski Racing Blog