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Information Heavylifting for Business Intelligence

Faith Measurement

Faith Measurement Blog

Episcopal Church Measrmnt

Book Of Common Prayer

Boundary County Measrmnt


Ski Racing Measurement

Fastpitch Measurement

Measured Proposals

TeamsWin Measurement

The purpose of this document is to show how Information Heavylifting may supplement the Gonzaga University Banner Enterprise Database, especially in the area of historical research including cradle to grave tracking of student’s university experience. If an enterprise database does not have strategic capability, TeamsWin Information Heavylifting can help.

TeamsWin provides efficient, comprehensive analysis of business factors and decision implications to achieve maximum business performance through instantaneous processing and integration of your data.

Consultants: as a team with you in charge, TeamsWin provides “Business Intelligence”. Your customers benefit. We help them get it, and you help them use that intelligence. We prefer to work for you business consultants, behind the scene.

Accountants: as a team with you in charge, TeamsWin provides “Business Intelligence”. Your customers benefit. We help them get it, and you help them use that intelligence. We prefer to work behind the scene for you business consultants.

TeamsWin Information Heavylifting can transform your information from functional status reports into more useful strategic information. While saving you time and money, we can improve your decision making.


Banner System Example

Information Heavylifting for Accountants

Information Heavylifting for Consultants

TeamsWin Provides

Information Heavylifting Proposal

Requests and Proposals

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